Tuesday, March 31, 2009

YouTube Video Blog: Hello Internets!

This is our first of many video blogs, so don't be jerk faces. Let us know what you want us to talk about by leaving us a comment or sending us some e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you.
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Goodie said...

is that a AC Dutchmen t-shirt??? Classic!

vertig0gitrev said...

I'd like to see you guys do a rant about stupid lawsuits...

like these:



H2U said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

How about talking about how no one has any money right now. We all poor yo!

Lisa Lohman said...

I want to hear you guys talk about the differences (good & bad) between L.A. & Chicago. P.S. - Chicago misses some Comepetitive Awesome! -Lisa Lohman

Anonymous said...


Lindsey Marino said...

Rant about rude people

Share Sense said...

Hey I second that one from Lindsey: Rant about Rude people and who are they? What do they look like- what behavior turns them into "those people". Or you can explain or comment on why people out here refer to Obama as the Gingerbread Man? Yeah-for real they do.

Alyn Alyx West said...

Talk about what the best way to get improv comedy training is if you don't have any money...

...and how you find roommates with similar interests in L.A....

...and how you guys can afford such a sweet pad in the hills...

...and drugs...

Do you guys smoke weed?

You guys are funny.

Oh! And talk about Octomom and try to identify at which point our society lost its collective sanity.