Monday, May 18, 2009

Competitive Awesome Caption Contest #8

It's time for the weekly Competitive Awesome Caption Contest! Please leave your submission in the comments of this post. Once again, congratulations to last week's winner: Mark Carman

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ginkers said...

Isn't that that guy out of Motorhead?

Deviantpixel said...


Grunty said...

It doesn't matter if you are riding your motorcycle OR it is riding you. It is always best to wear a helmet.

ginkers said...

India's answer to Evel Knievel admits he still has a lot to learn...

Efren said...

In old country, motorcycle rides you.

Mark Carman said...

Long story Doc, but when I came to this was spot welded to my cranial plate.

JO1022 said...

I totally got the better end of the deal. That woman didn't know how to cook anyways.

Anonymous said...

Get to the chopper!

H2U said...

It would seem that nobody explained the proper definition of "motorcycle helmet" to this poor fellow.